The final authority on academic matters is the ECMIT is the Faculty Senate. The Faculty Senate, working with its standing committees, formulates policies affecting the college’s academic mission. The basic purpose of the Faculty Senate is to promote the representation of the Faculty in the governance of ECMIT and encourage active Faculty participation in the development of ECMIT’s academic policies and procedures. The Faculty Senate reviews all proposals recommended by the Dean/VPAA Council on academic programs, study rules and regulations, quality assurance, assessment and research affairs. The Faculty Senate also approves admission requirements and the distribution of financial aid to students.  The Faculty Senate may also make recommendations to the president on resource allocations and budgetary issues.   The Faculty Senate also approves candidates for graduation (including the awarding of honorary degrees). The Faculty Senate meets once every month or more frequently if needed.

Composition of the Senate

The Faculty Senate of ECMIT is composed of members from the college faculties and the heads of auxiliary academic units such as  the library, IT services and advising and registration. The dean/vice president of academic affairs acts as the chair. The president serves as the ex-officio member.

The Faculty Senate has eight standing committees:

  1. Program Effectiveness and Assessment Committee.
  2. Faculty Review and Development Committee.
  3. Faculty Promotion and  Retention Committee.
  4. Library Committee.
  5. Technology Committee.
  6. Program Review, Curriculum Planning and Development  Committee.
  7. Academic Dishonesty and Grievance Committee.
  8. Exam Board Committee.

Role of the Faculty Senate

The ECMIT Faculty Senate will have the primary responsibility of exercising academic superintendence and discipline through determining academic policy and curricula development. The Faculty Senate is committed to serving as the voice of the Faculty as a whole by creating an open and informed decision-making process and fostering democratic culture.

Functions and authority of the Faculty Senate

The Faculty Senate of ECMIT functions through five standing committees. The functions of the Faculty Senate include:

  1. Approving academic policies and curricula
  2. Approving course changes
  3. Approving policies and regulations governing admission, probation, dismissal and graduation of students
  4. Approving the academic calendar
  5. Recommending to the President on criteria for appointments, re-appointments, and promotion
  6. Recommending to the President criteria for resolving students’ appeal for grade changes
  7. Approving graduating candidates


The Senate will meet at least four times a year, twice in the fall and spring semesters at a time and place determined by the dean. Written notices of the meetings and their agenda will be given to the members of the Senate at least a week in advance. Special meetings may be called at the discretion of the dean. There will have to be a quorum of members who must be present for business to be undertaken.

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