Disciplinary and Grievance Committee
Dean of Academic Affairs (Chair)
Chair of Business Division -Member
IT Faculty -Member
Manager of Admissions and Registration (Facilitator)
Manager of Student Affairs & Happiness and Positivity-Member
One Student in case of student’s grievance-Member
Other Information
Reporting to: President
Meeting Frequency: As and when required.
Terms of Reference
- The committee broadly deals with all kind of professional and personal misconduct and non-academic grievances of both students and employees.
- This committee serves as the appeals committee for students of ECMIT involving issues of academic dishonesty leading to academic suspension or expulsion for one academic year or more.
- The committee serves for one year.
- The committee makes recommendations to the president.
- Faculty and students who serve on this committee cannot serve on the student disciplinary committee at academic level.
- If a member of this committee is involved in the disciplinary action as either the initiator or alleged violator, then he/she will be replaced by an alternative representative as appointed by respective unit (s).
- The decision of this committee can only be over turned by the president at the recommendation of the president’s council.
- This committee addresses any disruption of on-going educational activities of the college which warrants disciplinary action.
- This committee addresses sexual harassment of an employee, student, or applicant for a position or program at the college, or retaliation against a person for complaining of sexual harassment or for cooperating in a investigation of alleged sexual harassment.
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