Program Effectiveness and Assessment  Committee


Business Faculty (Chair)

Business Faculty- Member

Manager of Student Affairs and Happiness & Positivity -Member

Registration Officer -Member

Other Information

Reporting to:                           Dean of Academic Affairs

Meeting Frequency:              Once a month and as and when required.

Terms of Reference

The terms of reference for the Enrolment Management Committee:

  1. This committee plans assesses and monitors program effectiveness against the indicators set in the assessment plan of the goals and against the program goals and objectives.
  2. The committee reviews the goals, objectives and learning outcomes of each program and course, and ensures that the course delivery and assessment tools employed for each course are consistent with the learning objectives of the program.
  3. The committee reviews the program structure, program curriculum course syllabus and textbooks employed once in every semester and makes recommendations to the vice president academic affairs.
  4. In particular, this committee assesses the effectiveness of the program delivery, syllabus coverage, course file documentation and ensures that the assessment schemes for each course covers the length and breadth of the course syllabus and the expected learning outcomes for that course.
  5. The committee initiates student satisfaction surveys on program quality in collaboration with the IPE unit in order to get feedback on program quality, delivery system effectiveness, resources available to support the program and other views of the students
  6. The committee discusses the findings with the vice president academic affairs who introduces measures to address the problems and weaknesses.
  7. The committee also reviews, evaluates and takes action on the following in order to gauge the program effectiveness of:

(a)    Student success in graduation

(b)   Student success in securing credit transfers to other institutions for advanced studies

(c)    Student success in finding jobs and achieving career advancement

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