The Office of Advising and Registration works closely with the Division Chairs and the faculty to ensure the effectiveness of the college advising system. ECMIT’s advisement system begins with a comprehensive student orientation program each semester and the assignment of a qualified faculty advisor to each student. The Advising and Registration Office offers information and training workshops to inform advisors about the use of advising materials and student information data systems. These workshops also spotlight solutions to common advising problems and issues. Results from assessment surveys of student satisfaction with advising are also used in these workshops to improve the effectiveness of advisors and the advising system.
In regularly scheduled meeting sessions prior to registration, the faculty advisors counsel the students on course offerings and selection, study rules and regulations, graduation requirements, and discuss problems and difficulties they encounter in their studies. The advisors ensure that students receive each term a status report of all program requirements completed and not yet completed to assist them in their registration planning. The ECMIT Website plays an important tool for advising students as well.
The course MGMT 101 is a notable component of ECMIT’s comprehensive system of student advisement. The first year at ECMIT is a time of major transition and challenge for many students. In order for first-year students to succeed in that transition, ECMIT has developed this seminar course that focuses on strategies and skills for college success. This is a required course in the general education component of the A.S. programs.
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