Student Disciplinary and Grievance Committee 


Dr. Apollos Goyol  Chair of Business Administration (Chair)
Dr. Edmund Christopher Chair of GE & Foundation Program
Dr.Lakshmi C.R Chair, Exam Board Committee
Mrs. Mariam Salari  Interim Manager of Student Affairs (Facilitator)
One Student    To be nominated by Student Council
Other Information
Reporting to:                                     Dean of Academic Affairs
Meeting Frequency:                         As and when required.


Terms of Reference

This committee deals with Student disciplinary issues and grievances as follows:

  • All issues that affect academic integrity such as:


b.plagiarism, and

c.Collusion, etc.

  1. Student grade appeals and academic grievances.

  2. Reports to the Dean of Academic Affairs.

  3. The decision of this Committee can only be over turned by the Dean of Academic Affairs

  4. Only cases that involve academic suspension for one academic year or more and/or permanent expulsion from ECMIT can be appealed to the ECMIT Disciplinary and Grievance Committee.

  5. It serves for one year.  

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